Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tok daal/ aamer daal (sour daal)

Tok daal is a popular daal specially prepared in summers. During the extreme hot weather in summers people often lose their appetite. This daal is believed to build appetite during the hot summers. This indian daal recipe is easy to prepare and very healthy too.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes


Masur daal - 1 cup
Raw green mangoes- 2 (chopped into slices)
Green chillies (slit and the seeds removed)
Dried red chillies- 2(slitted)
Mustard seed
Turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Mustard oil


Take the masoor daal in a pressure cooker, add required amount of water and let it heat without putting the lid of the pressure cooker. Remove the froth from above. When the water becomes clear, add the green mango slices, add some salt and close the lid of the cooker. Allow 1 whistle and then let the vapour escape gradually.

For the tadka, take some mustard oil in the pan and add the slitted dried red chillies and mustard seeds. Let the mustard seeds splutter for sometime and then add a bit of turmeric powder, green chillies to the oil. Once the tadka is ready add it to the daal in  the pressure cooker. Let the daal simmer for sometime so that it mixes well with the tadka.

Thus your tok daal meaning sour daal is ready. Serve with hot rice.

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