Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Green Mung Bean Parantha

Green mung beans are high in protein content and can be eaten in the form of sprouts. This is a healthy breakfast food. Green Mung beans parantha is a  preparation liked by children and adults alike. Unlike other paranthas this parantha has a high nutritional value as green mung beans are high in protein content.

Preparation Time: 30 minutes


Green mung beans- 250 gms (soaked overnight so that they become soft)
Green Chillies paste
Ginger paste
Asafoetida (hing)- a pinch
Cumin seeds(Jeera)- 1 tea spoon
Roasted cumin powder ( roast dry cumin seeds and then grind it to a powder in a mixer)
Sugar- 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Refined oil
Whole wheat flour- 4 cups
White flour- 2 cups


Mix the whole wheat flour and white flour nicely , add some oil and mix nicely. After mixing nicely keep adding water and kneading at the same time to prepare a smooth dough. Keep it aside. Take the overnight soaked green mung beans and make a paste of it in the mixer grinder. Take a cooking pan, add 1 tea spoon oil, add a pinch of asafoetida, cumin seeds and let it splutter. Then add the mung bean paste and mix thoroughly. Then gradually add a bit of ginger paste, green chilly paste, roasted cumin powder, turmeric powder, sugar and salt to taste. Once the ingredients have mixed nicely keep stirring to make a smooth mixture which is neither too wet nor too dry. Keep the mixture separately and let it cool.

Use the dough to make small equal sized balls. Take a ball and make a hollow in the middle and stuff the mixture inside. Close the ends properly then roll out the ball in the form a parantha. Make sure that you do not roll too much so that the mixture does not come out from the sides. Heat some oil in a tawa and cook the paranthas one by one. Cook both sides properly. Thus your green mung bean parantha is ready to eat. This is a healthy sunday breakfast and kids simply love these yummy paranthas.

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