Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Raw Banana in Mustard Paste

This is a very simple and easy dish. Raw banana is an extremely healthy vegetable due to its high iron content. Bengalis are very fond of sorsho bata (mustard paste). This is a dish of raw banana in mustard paste.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Raw bananas- 2 cut into longitudinal pieces
Potatoes-2 cut into longitudinal pieces
Mustard paste- mustard seeds grinded with 2-3 green chillies and a pinch of salt
Dried red chillies
Green chillies- 2-3 slitted
Panch foron
Turmeric powder
Mustard oil
Salt to taste


Take some mustard oil in a kadhai. Once the oil get heated up then add some panch foron and dried red chillies. Once the panch foron starts spluttering then add the raw banana and the potato pieces. Saute the vegetables very nicely in the oil. Once they become brownish then add the mustard paste, stir it nicely till it is well cooked. Then add small amount of water and let it simmer. Let it simmer till it attains a dry consistency. Add some slitted green chillies for garnishing.

Serve with hot rice.

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